Sunday, March 1, 2015

Heavy Gear - Elite Southern Militia Squad

Here are some DP9 miniatures that I bought around 1998. It was an absolute joy to assemble them and paint them and I did some nice customisation on them.

Heavy Gear Southern Militia unit custom
Heavy Gear Southern Militia Squad

I have purchased those miniatures around 1999. They are bigger than the newer ones. I have customized most of them. I painted them in desert camo and added some dents and scratches to their armours.
Looking at them now I feel like I should redo/finish some of them. Eventually...
Important to be noted here: I had created a banner or a standard, which was attached to the back of the first model in the center. I lost the banner. I need to recreate the banner. To do that, I will need to retrieve some data from the PC game Heavy Gear. In there I should be able to see the banner I had used as inspiration. It's maybe "Black Legion" or something similar. Anyway, I will be happy to post more of those once I have reinstalled the banner and/or repainted them.

Heavy Gear Southern Militia unit custom: King Cobra
Heavy Gear Southern Milita - King Cobra

I'm pretty sure I used spare decals for warplanes to make the 4 little yellow decals on the King Cobra model. I also added a gun. Obviously, the two missiles on the should rack of the model standing behind King Cobra is also a customization. Again old warplanes spare parts. Some the weapons added to the units come from either GI-Joe, Transformers or Warhammer 40K.

Heavy Gear Southern Militia unit custom
Heavy Gear Southern Militia  - Heavy weapons specialist

On the model above, I added a chainsaw from a WH40K sergent under the gatling machinegun. I also think that the cannon he holds in his left hand normally is mounted on his back. But that gear is elite so he carries heavy weapons wherever he pleases.

The models could use some detailing because many mistakes are visible on the pictures. Spots were left white, color differences, details not picked out, errors, the "eyes" should also be redone.

Thanks for reading!

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