Sunday, July 11, 2021

Warhammer Fantasy Strategy - Game Screens

I began developing Warhammer Fantasy Strategy in 2003. Initially, I had to learn how to code. I thus learnt C++. Then I had the challenge of making a Windows. That's when I started to use the GDI. Eventually, I did pretty much what I wanted with the GDI but I moved on to DirectX 8. Here are some of the graphics designs for the game, starting with the Main Menu Screen:

Main Menu Screen for Warhammer Fantasy Strategy based on GW Warhammer Fantasy Battles

Following, we have the Army Creation Screen:
Army creation screen. Allows edition of armies and their composition. Points displayed.

Then the Custom Game Screen, where both armies can be selected. The points limits are set and also the Battlefield can be selected or customised.
The Custom Game Screen is where decisions are made about the battle to customise it.

Then the Formations screen:
Formations are set for each unit/regiment and Auto-Arrange is possible

The in-Game screen:
The Main Game screen. This is where the action happens. Lead your armies to victory!

The Model screen:
The Model screen is where all stats about models are displayed

The Options screen:
The Options screens is where global game options reside and can be turned on or off.

The Message Box:

A Message Box as a simple picture with text drawn on top dynamically

This Message Box is to display information to the player and ask simple YES / NO questions.

I will continue to document the project in the future.

Thanks for reading!

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