Sunday, December 13, 2020

Prince Tyrion, Defender of the High Elves

I should have posted my Tyrion miniature a long time ago. I painted it a long time ago. I finished it roughly in the summer of 1998. I took great care to clean the miniature, and I even painted it with an empty brush, just to get used to the curves and shapes of the miniature. I also followed the model of Mike McVey from Games Workshop. See this link for an interview with McVey: Realm of Chaos 80s: Citadel Colour: An Interview with Mike McVey.

High Elf Prince Tyrion - Up View

One of the toughest parts of painting this miniature, was to paint the dragon visible on the left side of the miniature (Tyrion's left!) I practised painting the dragon on other surfaces until I was comfortable enough to paint it well.

High Elf Prince Tyrion - Front View

Other than the Dragon, it was the hearts and the face, of course, that were difficult to get right.

Prince Tyrion - 3/4 side view

I am quite proud of the result and I will also try to replicated the color patterns on the 6th edition of the model. But always, this one will remain close to my heart.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Bought New Dragon Princes of Caledor -

Caledor Dragontamer, 1st

Recently, I have signed up and started posting on I feel that it is a home for the High Elf collector in me to find a community of people who will appreciate the miniatures I have collected and built.

Also, just a week ago or so, I purchased 5 Dragon Princes of Caledor from the 4/5th edition. The "old models". But they are still beautiful to my eyes. Painting them again will feel familiar and fun. I intend to paint them in the familiar red and green pattern. I will upload images of the models when I can.

Along with those 5 new, plus the models that I use in the DPC unit but which don't really belong there (Imrik & Tyrion), I will have a unit of about 25. Along with high and impressive banner this unit will be a sight to behold!

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Ellyrion Reavers - 4th ed. Warhammer

I am proud to present my newest creation, a full unit of the Ellyrion Reavers. Those miniatures are to be a part of my High Elf army. I finished painting those approximately in April 2019.

Ellyrion Reavers painted models
Ellyrion Reaver Musician

This model above is a musician, which is part of the command section of the unit. With it's horn, it can coordinate various troops movement for it's own unit.

I wanted them to feel as a part of my army and as such, they had to fit with the newest models for the Ellyrion Reavers and I have many of those (15 I think). So what I did was to customise the models to place their spears in their back when they wield a bow and vice-versa.

Ellyrion Reaver Musician
Ellyrion Reavers painted models
Ellyrion Reaver Standard Bearer
As for the colours, in order to differentiate them from other units, and also to represent their fleeting, fast nature, they are in purple, between the blue and the red of many other units, yet still have much white. Grey is also used on the miniatures. The horses were painted freely to have a natural look based on their diversity.
Ellyrion Reavers painted models
The full unit of Ellyrion Reavers, painted, with grass flock on their bases

Overall, I spent about 100h working those as I don't work fast.

Ellyrion Reavers painted models
Zoom on the unit - Ellyrion Reavers

Ellyrion Reavers painted models
Zoom on the unit's Champion - Ellyrion Reavers

Notice that small details are still missing, such as the banner, some blue lines on some spears, small corrections and their shields, which are completely missing as of now.

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